Simplified explanation of an atom in polarizations.


This will describe the simple relative composition of an atom in polar sizes.

Simplified explanation of an atom in polarizations:

An simple atom consists of at least one proton and one electron.

The universe consists of 3 spatial physical dimensions. X - Y - Z.

From Albert Einstein's general relativity we know that there is a relation to the physical dimensions and the dimension of time, witch is corresponding to mass & energy.

For physical dimensions and mass, time and energy, we know that they can not be described as final sizes, they are just larger than 0 and can take any size between 0 & infinity. These 5 sizes are polar. They have a relationship that can be viewed relative to each other.

We know that if we want to describe the smallest physical dimension of the universe, we must use all 3 physical dimensions. Therefore, we can determine that the physical dimensions must necessarily start at the same point.

We also know that if we are to relate time to the physical quantities, the physical sizes is divided by time. There is a relation where time relates to the physical dimensions.

From general relativity we also know that the mass is related to space / time.

Designated for Energy, we know that energy is a result of a relationship between all 3 physical relationships in terms of time and mass. Therefore, energy necessarily is a sum of the other sizes.

In order to produce a relationship between the 3 spatial dimensions, we can put them to a size larger than 0. We do not need to establish a unit, only that the sizes are larger than 0. We necessarily also have to establish a polarity, as we are aware that they are polar between 0 and their size.

Will we produce a relationship between 4 sizes relative to 3 physical dimensions, it can be described by placing the size time, on to any of the 3 physical dimensions. We can do this because we know that the physical dimensions can be shared with time, but the sum of time can not be greater than 1, compared to the physical dimensions. We also know that if we set time to 1, we can still share the physical dimensions of time and achieve a result that is greater than 0. Or in other words, the result of the amplitude and the length in its maximum needs to be circular. We now have formed a relationship between space and time, in polar directions.

Since we know that mass relates to the relative space / time, we can determine that the mass must have a direction different from space / time. The sum of the direction must be relative in a relationship which is related to space / time.

The simple correlations in the proton:

We have 4 polar sizes to meet a 5, in order to form the sum. As we will discover that 1 tetrahedron, the simplest geometric polar shape that can create space in itself, can not form a sum of what we have available, we need to look at a different geometry. We know that time in relation to space, will form the sum, where mass and energy is included in the final result. We also know that if we remove either time or space, a proton is not formed.

Forming 4 tetrahedrons from time and space, they will each be missing 2 dimensions, but when we put them together, these 4 tetrahedron is forming a 5 tetrahedron in the combined center of a 3 dimensional space, thereby providing closed system where the result occurs in the sum of the 5 formed tetrahedrons, as the result of relationships between space, in relation to time, in their polar directions. Now we know the internal logic of a proton without necessarily knowing the correct values of each polar dimension.

Conclusions on the proton core composition:

We can now observe, that the polarity will cause that there will always be a sum of polarity greater in one direction, as seen from the center of the proton and out. This polarity means that there will always be either positive or negative charge on the total surface. We will also discover that there will always be negative result towards the center if there is a positive result in the outward direction. The reason for this is that the original basis for the physical polarization the 3 physical dimensions are polarized in the same direction. This is why there is 1 electron around the simplest atom.

2 universes with opposite polarity, will cancel each other.

Since protons can be explained by the interrelation of polarization, the protons are not only to be described as a physical particle, but could also be explained as relations between spheres of waves in a single structure.

We also know that as long as there is time and space, there will be a universe.

Next group of protons will act as a set of 4 This happens because the sum of polarizations facing towards the center compared to the sum of polarizations that faces away from the center. Next group of protons will have polarization only allowing 2 negative charged electrons in atomic shells.

Electrons and massless particles:

Proton composition, describes the simplest composition of relations which in itself contains the time, space, mass and energy. Any stable geometrical structure of dimensions, simpler than protons, could not contain a complete result but will still be transporting energy, as the energy is contained in the polarization of the individual dimensions.

The simplest stable structure of an element that can be constructed, is a tetrahedron. The simple tetrahedron describing the electron, necessarily needs to have the sum of polarization corresponding to the proton, alternatively, the universe will collapse.

It is possible to describe a wide range of massless, but polar structures, some interesting examples would be light and radioactivity.

Polar structures:

It is easy to reconstruct any polar structure where the size of time and the physical dimensions is the same.

For the atom, it is to be believed that it is only possible to construct a limited number of atoms, as this can be determined from the Piero della Francesca's formula.

By Thomas Feilberg Hansen - contact me here

16th of nov 2010.


Update - 19th of nov 2010.

To explain a black hole:

( This will also chill down those who believe anti-proton experiments is dangerous, at least for the lighter materials. )

A black hole is the the reverse polarization of the present universe. Therefore it can not exist in the same universe as the present, except if it is divided from the present universe by a lot of distance. Over time, the present universe will get absorbed by the black hole, and then neither time or distance is present in the current polarization. If a black hole is first started, and is able to absorb ever more time and distance, it will become ever more massive. A black hole is started when the sum of the polarizations in direction to the center, is not balanced by the sum of the shells with electrons polarizing in the outward direction. For atoms with high number off shells, this situation is more likely to happen. This means when ever the sum of dimension get closer to 288/2 ( from the Piero della Francesca's formula), and therefore extremely heavy. Or in other words, it is not vice to play with fusion of something as heavy as ex. uranium, as when this is combined to something more heavy, the polarization is reversed. The matter witch is created from a process, as above explained, do not belong in the present universe, and therefore do not exist.

Controlled fission although, is quite all right, as known from nuclear power. And this releases a lot of useable energy. The better the process in fission is completed, the the better the end result, and therefor the material in the end product becomes less energetic. Depleted uranium, is still very heavy because it has given off some of its energy, but is still not divided in to a material with a less amount of protons.


Update - 20th of nov 2010

It is important to remember that the polarizations only is made of time and space.

The result is always the same for the given sum of time and space, even when time and space is curled in to matter.

It is also to remember, that space is divided by time, and in the opposite instance, the time is divided by space.

For those interested in mathematics, it is to observe that this space/time relation is also to be observed and explained in the larger space. As the sum of acceleration (delta-space/delta-time) multiplied by the mass has to be equal to the energy multiplied by the opposite acceleration. This is very well explained by the laws of Newton.


Update - 22th of nov 2010

To make a observation on what can happen in fission, we only need to look at the stars. When a star has burned its hydrogen, the hydrogen is first converted in to helium. At this time, the process gain speed. In comparison to the lifespan of the star, the next steps happens ever faster. If the star is massive enough, nature it self, will make a black hole at the end of the processes. In the black hole, the polarizations is simply opposite of the polarizations in the present universe, as we know the universe.

When space divided by time becomes circular, the actual size of the result is limited. Therefore the the actual size of the atom is also limited. As the protons has to fit in the atom, the atom becomes ever more dense. This explains the difference in density between the atoms. As there is more than one way the protons in the atom can be arranged, it is to be observed that the numeric value of protons in the atom is not directly to be compared with the density of the atom.

For those interested, it is to observe that this space/time relation is also to be observed and explained in the larger space. As the sum of acceleration (delta-space/delta-time) multiplied by the mass has to be equal to the energy multiplied by the opposite acceleration.


Update - 23th of nov 2010

To further explain the simple structure of this, it is important to observe, that the structure is able to have 2 directions. This means the 4 tetrahedrons is not necessarily on the outside of the structure. Depending on witch universe described. In one instance the universe is expanding, in the other instance the universe is imploding.

The 2 universes coexist, in the same time. This is what makes galaxies. This is also why the night is dark, otherwise nights would be bright. As previous described, the universe is present in dimensions of time and space, it has no start and no end. When imploding space becomes equal to time, the polarizations simply invert.

Energy is movement in time. This is quite obvious in daily observations. This is also to be observed in the size of atoms. One way to observe this, is when electricity is consumed the same amount of electricity has to be produced at exactly the same time. The same energy produced to create the electricity, is also harvested from movement in time, due to the rotating field conducting the current.

Energy occur in various elements, energy is only made from the physical dimension and time. Energy and radiation from elements containing mass is not the same, but is is easy to be observed as the same.

To me, it is strange, that synchronous electricity is very well understood, but in other relations the same synchronization seems to be strange to others.

The simple explanation, is easy to be observed in nature. It is obvious that it is impossible for me to come up with all the various existing examples, but a couple of the later observations is to be mentioned. One example is, that it is possible to create anti-particles. An other example is when energy in one of its simplest forms, is reduced from its movement, it grows in size and at the same time it changes its frequency. Mathematical this is also very well explained by others, as vectors in a tetrahedron.


Update - 26th of nov 2010

Q & A:


Can I travel in time ?





How do you explain the phenomenon entanglement ?


Entanglement is modulation, mostly on "Stacked Light". This will only be possible when the light ( signal ) is directional. It's almost like when you take a long stick and knock on it. It does not matter where you knock, the signal will be processed down the stick. In therms of stacked light, you will change the entire signal, by making a change to the opposite end of where the light was send from. Or even in the middle. In this therm, you can make a signal move faster than the speed of light, but not faster than time.

In parallel; If you have a generator conducting electricity, you can determine the power used by the consumer, at the other end of the wire, by measuring the power you need to provide to the generator. This will happen instantly, as the power produced, needs to be the same power consumed, no matter how long the distance is. You can even determine if the power used is inductive or capacitive, depending on the distortion in the conducted field. Or in other words, you can determine if the electrons has changed direction, thereby changing the relative compositions of the originated polarization in distance and time.


Update - 27th of nov 2010


You say that Anti-matter is the same as matter, but just in the opposite direction. This means there is one universe more just as this one, but we can not see it. Is it just like our universe with time running backwards ?


No, Time can not run backwards. The universe with opposite direction has the same time as we do. It is just the directions of the physical polarizations that change. This also means that in the anti-universe the anti-protons has no sphere of electrons, as they simply disappear when the polarization of the proton changes. The anti-universe has no temperature and no light, as our universe has. The anti-universe is mostly just heavy and small ( Black hole ). Because the anti-universe is heavy, our universe will end up getting accumulated in to the anti-universe. When there is no more of our universe to accumulate, the entire universe will probably get started over again, because the physical dimensions can get very small, divided by time, but not smaller than 0. It is important to remember, that the entire universe is just made of distance divided by time. In reality this is a 3 dimensional frequency it self.

The anti-proton, is mostly to be regarded as the last state before the present universe starts running backwards and collapses. Because this fusion process is the nature of the anti-universe, it is not reversible when started.

I believe this has already been tested, but maybe not fully understood. If you take an element of light, and cools it down until it has no movement, then it will in its last state collapse, releasing its physical dimensions from the grip of time. This will cause an implosion, witch has to be observable.

Update 1th of dec 2010


I still don't get it, can you explain the dimensions and their relation to time, and the polarizations in an other way.


Maybe. The easy explanation to dimensions and time, is when you look at the different sizes, related to time.
Let's take a year.
A year in the galaxy is longer than a year on the earth. The time the earth is to circle the sun is one
earth-year and the time a galaxy is to circle the center of the galaxy is one galaxy-year.
The time the moon is to circle the earth is one moon-year.
The time it takes the electron to circle the atom, is one atom-year.
Time is only polar, but does not have a size. You can divide time in to units, but there is no beginning and no end.

The relation between the physicals sizes and the time is quite obvious, although it might be a bit in comprehensive.

In reality everything can be observed as some kind of frequency, relative to the observed space.

To explain the polarizations a little bit better, I have made a drawing, that better explain how the polarizations behave in both the expanding and the imploding universe. In the drawing I have turned the universe inside out, and hope you thereby better understand the relations.

Billede kommer her

As we live in the expanding universe, both the mass and the energy has a positive expanding result.
In the opposite imploding universe, the result is negative and imploding.
It is also to observe, the energy follow the mass, and the imploding universe absorbs energy as well
Again, mass and energy is the same, both in the expanding universe and the imploding. The
difference is the resulting direction in the universe itself.
When the universe has only little mass, it expands, and when it becomes enough mass it implodes.
Thees 2 conditions is natural to the universe.
We do not know the densest materials, as these materials do not exist in our part of the universe.
If a sun is dense enough, the sun will produce these super-dense materials as its fusion processes
creates ever more dense materials until it collapses in a supernova and creates a black hole in where the densest materials are present.



Why does the universe not collapse.


In the previous answers you can see there is 2 sides to the universe. Only divided by time and space.
In time to come, the universe will collapse, but this is not within my calender... ;)

In therms of the atom. The atom, as we know it, is only present in the expanding universe.
Therefore the atom is limited in its representation.
The limitation is because there can only be one basic structure, as explained in the ?Simplified explanation of the Atom?. Starting this document. With this model, we are able to explain the observable universe, both the imploding and the expanding.

Feeding of answers to the Troll 16th of dec 2011

In the simplifyed explanation, it is obvious that The principle of uncertainty, does not exist.
The common perception ( & mathematics ) used to claim The principle of uncertainty, is simply wrong.
In simple vector mathematics it is possible to demonstrate the proton as both mass and as energy.
There is no uncertainty ! The proton holds both characteristics at the same time and at any time.

It is to be observed, that there is spend very large sums on colliders trying to prove strange theories, with no results. Therefore the most common perception must be wrong.

Troll. For a whole generation, you have proven yourself wrong. You are a at waste of time an money !
Even worse, whole generations of up comming real scientist is told wrong, at a level where they should be told to think them self.

As late as last week, I had to listen to a Troll telling that fusion was well understood, and that fusion is not a problem, they allready have a testplant running.
First. There is no testplant running, because it is not possible to maintain the fusion process in the plants constructed.
Second. If the testplant was able to maintain a fusion process, it is not possible to remove the energy produced, and therefore the constructed plant will melt down.
Or in other words, when claiming the fusionprocess is well understood, it is to be expected it is possible to maintain fusionprocess in a testplant. Otherwise the fusionprocess is not well understood !.
Even your forecast, that you will get fusion up and running in 40 years is the same forcast you came up with 30 years ago.
From my point of wiew, you are at least 4000 years wrong.

Well Troll, in the most simple and ancient mathematics it is posible to prove your perception wrong.
The above perception might not be correct, but yours is proven wrong. By your self.
To claim "there is signs you might be able to find the answer" is the same claim you have used before, over and over.
With no result.

Your quest to find "the ultimate answer to everything" is over. It was not for you to find.

Troll, stop spending time and money on a perception you can not prove. And stop spreading your perception until you can prove it.
You even tell your unproven perception to the children in the schools, shame on you.

Troll. Why dont you get back in your cave, and stay there. Play with your balls as much as you like, but keep it in your cave, not anoying other with your unproven perception.